You’ve managed your debt, made a few investments, and acquired some assets. Now what? Do you know what to do to incorporate financial wellness into your entire life? How do you know if you are making the best decisions about your money? Welcome to the Better Money Decisions podcast, a place where you can take the steps you need to meet all of your financial goals. My name is Kate Stalter, and I am on a mission to help dispel some of the most prevalent money myths so that you can make informed decisions about your finances.
This is not a show about getting out of debt or starting an online business for retirement. This program will be taking a close look at your existing finances in order to make them work for you. Whether you are already investing and want to expand your portfolio, or want to make the most out of your retirement fund, this is the place you want to be. You can trust that my perspective is in your best interest because I work for a Fee-Only Fiduciary. Better Money Decisions already works with clients all over the country, and in each case, your interests are first. Period.
Today, let’s talk about what you can expect from the show, debunk a few money myths, and gain a little perspective on why we are even here in the first place. If you are ready for financial wellness, then you are ready for the Better Money Decisions Podcast!
More in this episode:
- This is the show for people who are already saving and want to make the most out of their monetary investments.
- Don’t panic about the state of the stock market right now!
- How to know when it is time to sell.
- Why you can trust my financial perspective from a Fee-Only Fiduciary.
- A story of someone who freaked out in 2008, and why their advice simply wasn’t good.
- My own background as a financial journalist makes me aware of the money myths getting spread around.
- What to expect in the future of this podcast.
- How to get our free gift to you!
Free Portfolio Diagnostic