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Expensive Stuff Can Wreck Your Retirement

May 17, 2019

We all want to invest our money in funds and companies that align with our values, but that isn’t always the best metric. Often times, Stockbrokers and other...

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We all want to invest our money in funds and companies that align with our values, but that isn’t always the best metric. Often times, Stockbrokers and other financial planners who don’t have your best interest in mind will encourage you to buy “sustainable” and “ethical” funds, which sound good, but that isn’t always the case. Today Kate Stalter shares how you can evaluate these funds and determine what is and isn’t worth investing your time and money in. To learn how you can become a better investor and spend less to achieve the same goals, tune into this episode of Bette Money Decisions.

Show Highlights:

  • Evaluating which sustainable funds will be the most beneficial to your situation
  • How mutual funds and exchange-traded funds work
  • Additional fees funds may cost you
  • Why you should pay attention to fund expense ratios
  • Putting your money to work for you instead of handing it over to a fund manager


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