B$D :

38: Day 7: How to Become a Better Investor

March 01, 2019

There will always be outside sources that claim to know the next best thing when it comes to investing, but the best thing you can do is ignore...

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There will always be outside sources that claim to know the next best thing when it comes to investing, but the best thing you can do is ignore them. No one knows what you need to reach your goals better than you do. In todays’ episode, Kate Stalter talks diversification and how to build a portfolio that correlates with the life you want. To learn more about how to take educated risks, avoid common mistakes and create a multi-faceted portfolio, tune into this episode of Better Money Decisions. 

Show Highlights: 

  • How the media botches portfolio construction 
  • How diversification can improve your return 
  • Owning international and global stocks 
  • The most common mistakes investors make 
  • How broad diversification came about 
  • The risk you need to take to generate return 
  • What qualifies as a diversified portfolio 


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