If an employer is unwilling or unable to provide this benefit to their employees there are some other options. You can contribute to an IRA or Roth. The amount you can contribute for either account does have restrictions, one of them is the max you can contribute in a year is $5,500. But that is still better than not doing anything at all. Some companies will match your contribution. If this is the case for you, contribute everything you can…its free money! Listen now for even more tips.
Lorraine also answers, “I’m a recent graduate, how do I start to build my credit?”
If you have more questions, or want to obtain Financial Wellness for Life call Lorraine at Better Money Decisions.
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About the Author
Lorraine Ell
CEO and Senior Financial Advisor
As the CEO and co-owner of Better Money Decisions (B$D) Lorraine is excited to help others solve challenging financial problems. For those experiencing dramatic change such as divorce, retirement, or the loss of a loved one she is a dedicated advisor and acts as equal parts investment manager, financial planner, coach, and personal guide. It’s her mission to help families lead their best financial lives.
Author of the book, Bozos, Monsters and Whiz-bangs: Bad advice From Financial Advisors and How to Avoid it!, Lorraine is also frequently quoted in MarketWatch, Investment News, Investor’s Business Daily, Yahoo Finance, and The Wall Street Journal.