We know many of you are asking, “How much longer can this U.S. bull market last?” We would love to know that answer, but as you may have surmised by now, we don’t and neither does anyone else! What we do know, however, is that the key to long-term investment growth is a well-diversified portfolio. As we continue to see gains in the market, we think this brief article from Dimensional provides some interesting data to support the belief that diversification is key.
Click here to download the article
About the Author

Lorraine Ell
CEO and Senior Financial Advisor
As the CEO and co-owner of Better Money Decisions (B$D) Lorraine is excited to help others solve challenging financial problems. For those experiencing dramatic change such as divorce, retirement, or the loss of a loved one she is a dedicated advisor and acts as equal parts investment manager, financial planner, coach, and personal guide. It’s her mission to help families lead their best financial lives.
Author of the book, Bozos, Monsters and Whiz-bangs: Bad advice From Financial Advisors and How to Avoid it!, Lorraine is also frequently quoted in MarketWatch, Investment News, Investor’s Business Daily, Yahoo Finance, and The Wall Street Journal.